Veeam’s Kasten unit has announced the open source Kubestr storage benchmark project for Kubernetes.
Michael Cade, senior technologist at Kasten, explains: “Kubestr offers a simple, easy way to make informed storage decisions, validate storage configurations, including the ability to leverage storage snapshots for data management, and perform benchmarking to ensure your application has the necessary performance and speed.”
So what prompted Kasten to devise this benchmark? Kubernetes represents a quickly changing computing paradigm with many moving parts and decisions to be made,” Cade says, “The storage choices are overwhelming and every decision will have an impact on speed and performance.”
“Each Kubernetes application will have different requirements for IOPS, bandwidth and latency, so the storage choice is not trivial.
Kubestr enables developers and operators to identify storage options present in a Kubernetes cluster, validate storage configurations, and check storage performance using benchmarking tools like fio. It offers capabilities that help determine the optimal data store to achieve the performance required for microservices running stateful workloads.
The fact that it’s open source should enable Kubestr to provide vendor-independent recommendations. Find out more at an April 17 webinar.
Kasten provides data protection services for Kubernetes-orchestrated containers and was acquired by Veeam for $150m in October 2020.