Nutanix leads the hyperconverged infrastructure software market, according to Gartner research seen by Blocks & Files.
This contrasts with IDC numbers, released last month, which showed VMware and its VSAN product, topping the HCI software market, with Nutanix in second place.
However, a Gartner report by analyst Naveen Mishra, titled ‘Market Share Analysis: Data Center Hardware Integrated Systems, Worldwide, 3Q18 and 4Q18 – 19-Apr-2019‘ shows Nutanix in pole position. HCI software market. The report is listed in Mishra’s recent Gartner output.

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The report was not available on Gartner’s media site when Blocks & Files looked but kind customer sources supplied some basic numbers.
We’ve tabulated these figures.

Nutanix leads in Q3 and Q4 2018 although its lead over VMware fell in Q4 . The two companies collectively accounted for 91.9 per cent of the HCI software market in the fourth 2018 quarter, with ‘others’ such as NetApp, Pivot3, Scale Computing mopping up the rest.

The lines in the chart above show VMware had a great catch-up quarter with Nutanix – and also that the “others” are not in imminent danger of any market break-outs.
Also maybe noteworthy is that the Gartner 4Q 2018 figures cover two months of Nutanix’s anaemic Q2 FY2019 earnings. Nutanix blamed a lack of attention to lead generation for lower than anticipated revenues in the quarter. Was it just a blip? It will be fascinating to see how things change over the next couple of quarters.