B&F Christmas crossword

Test how well you know your storage terminology with our storage crossword.  

The answers to some clues, typically shorter ones, are initialized or shortened words. Some answers include numbers as well as letters. Download a PDF of the crossword grid for printing here.


 1. With regard to glass mirror backing coat (11)

 5. Looking after data from birth to death (3)

 9. Circular plate going by car (4, 5)

10. Female warrior in spider’s lattice with ministrations (3)

11. Nibble following initialized people in favor of ethically treating animals (2)

12. Surprise attack (4)

13. Sudden sharp cracking sound (4)

14. Trillion trillion bytes (2)

16. 1024 x 1024 x 1024 x 1024 bytes (3)

17. 1,099,511,627,776 bytes (8)

19. The object is a word sounding like the opposite of hitting a golf ball softly with a club (3)

20. Elevated state of the quality of being able to be used (2)

21. Fiber Channel interconnect card (14)

26. Array of solid state storage drives (3)

27. Apache open-source framework for building transactional data lakes with ingesting, managing, and querying processes (4). 

29. Software-defined computers within physical servers, existing only as code (2)

31. Orchestrator of packages of micro-services components and their files (10)

33. Digit followed by letter signalling type of dimensionality (2)

34. Letter followed by digit signalling triple occurrence of fifteenth alphabetic consonant (2)


1. Data ingest/egress component in box containing spinning rust (4, 5, 4)

2. Licensing and distribution model used to deliver software applications over the internet (4)

3. HPC networking communications scheme using a switched fabric network topology (2)

4. One thousand thousand 8-bit units (8)

5. Internet Protocol-based block access storage networking scheme operating over Ethernet (5)

6. Information describing and explaining data (8)

7. Standard interface used to connect storage drives to early PCs (3)

8. World’s most widely used system of measurement – singular. One of a set of prefixes defined by International scheme for numbers of quantities (1, 1, 4)

15. Logical state with one of two possible values (3)

18. Obliteration or rubbing out (7)

22. Clever disk drive monitoring system (5)

23. Equal-sized elements of groups of data items written and read on storage drives (6)

24. Connecting and conducting hole passing though silicon die (3)

25. Format for small form factor SSD on internally mounted storage expansion card; no dot (2)

28. Atom or group of atoms carrying a positive or negative electric charge through electron loss or gain (3)

30. Interface plug-in for storage for containers (3)

32. Sounds like eeeee eye and is a massive number of bytes (2)

Hint: All but one of the answer words can be found in the B&F storage glossary.

The answers will be made available on Friday December 22.