Well, well; remember back in November when WekaIO, with its Matrix filesystem, took second place in IO-500 10 Node Challenge, with the Summit supercomputer taking first place?
About turn, because the Virtual Institute for I/O (VI4IO) , which maintains and documents the IO-500 10 Node Challenge List, has recalculated its results and awarded WekaIO first place.
Why 10 nodes?
By limiting the IO-500 10 Node Challenge benchmark to 10 nodes, the test challenges single client performance from the storage system. Each system is evaluated using the IO-500 benchmark that measures the storage performance using read/write bandwidth for large files and read/write/listing performance for small files.
With the November scoring, WekaIO served up 95 per cent of the Summit supercomputer’s 40 storage racks IO using half a rack’s worth of its Matrix scale-out fast filer software. Matrix ran on eight Supermicro BigTwin enclosures, and scored 67.79, coming within 5 per cent of the Oak Ridge IBM Summit Supercomputer’s 70.63 score. Summit ran its system on a 40-rack Spectrum Scale storage cluster.
Bug detection alert
The VI4IO people found a bug in their tests and state; “we fixed the computation of the mdtest score that had a bug by computing the rate using the external measured timing.”

The new score for WekaIO is 58.35 while the now second-placed Summit system scores 44.30. A Bancholab DDN/Lustre system is third with 31.50.
That means Matrix is 31 per cent faster than IBM Spectrum Scale and 85 per cent faster than DDN Lustre.
So it’s official; WekaIO’s Matrix is the fastest file system in the world, based on the IO-500 10 Node Challenge List, beating Spectrum Scale running on the world’s fastest supercomputer, Summit. That means WekaIO is higher than Summit.