Gartner Peer Insights’s annual “Voice of The Customer” is out now for Data Center Backup and Recovery Solutions suppliers. Cohesity, Rubrik, Veeam, Veritas and Zerto come out of it very well.
A second group of vendors gets generally as high ratings but from a smaller number of customers. They are Actifio (now owned by Google), Commvault, Druva and NAKIVO. Dell and Acronis get relatively lower ratings.
Gartner includes Vendors with a minimum of $50m revenues and 10 or more Peer Insight reviews in the 12-months to Oct end 2020 in this report, which takes the measure of 1,319 reviews and rating in total.
Vendors are categorised into four quadrants based on Review Coverage (x-axis) and Overall Market Rating (y-axis and out of 5). A maximum of seven vendors, listed alphabetically, can feature in the top right “Customers’ Choice” box

A second graphic shows the overall ratings for all these vendors;

This list is ordered by the number of reviews, hence Dell, with 126 reviews, is fourth from the top, but its rating is a relatively lowly 4.6.
Cohesity and Rubrik, with 226 and 199 reviews respectively, have equal overall ratings of 4.9, as does Actifio, but the latter gained 29 reviews, so placing it lower in Gartner’s ranking.
Veritas, Zerto, NAKIVO and Chinese supplier AISHU each obtained a next-highest 4.8 rating.
At 4.7 we see Veeam and Commvault. Acronis gets the lowest rating amongst these vendors, achieving 4.4.
The vendor rankings are sliced and diced to show customer choice distinction vendors by customer type, market sector and geography. For example; global enterprises, large ones, mid-size, public sector, finance, healthcare, etc.
Gartner also provides access to the individual reviews and ratings for suppliers such as AISHU and another for Cohesity, providing the most helpful and the most critical reviews in each case.
Lynn Lucas, Cohesity’s CMO, issued a statement hot off the blocks: “We are honoured to be the only company recognised in 10 out of 11 category distinctions and we believe this speaks to the unique value, differentiation, and innovation we provide to customers, across industries, segments and geographic regions.”