Analyst and research house GigaOm has rated 18 enterprise data protection vendors in its Radar for Hybrid Cloud Data Protection: Large Enterprises report, with Commvault, Cohesity, Cobalt Iron, Veritas and Dell Technologies leading the pack.
The rated vendors are Acronis, Arcserve, Asigra, Bacula Systems, Barracuda, Clumio, Cobalt Iron, Cohesity, Commvault, Dell, Druva, HPE (Zerto), HYCO, IBM, Rubrik, Unitrends, Veeam, and Veritas.
The report authors, Max Mortillaro and Arjan Timmerman, say: “The market is… active, with both startups and incumbents looking at ways to disrupt traditional backup models, as well as increase the value of the protected data by adding data management and data reuse capabilities to their solutions.”
In their view modern enterprise IT generally involves a combination of SaaS applications and virtual desktops, either on-premises or in the cloud, with increasing demand for network-attached storage (NAS) protection in both environments. Enterprises are building hybrid cloud infrastructures and a growing number of them are using Kubernetes to redo their business applications, and protecting these assets is becoming as crucial as protecting their existing assets.
GigaOm places vendors in a 2D circular space defined by vertical maturity-to-innovation and horizontal feature-play-to-platform-play axes. There are three concentric circles with the inner being for leaders, the middle one for challengers and the outer ring for new entrants. Vendors are assigned a location indicating their overall rating, and a selected direction of movement arrow; forward mover, fast mover, and outperformer.
Here is the radar diagram for hybrid cloud data protection for large enterprises:

In order of closeness to the diagram’s center the leaders are: Commvault, Cohesity and Veritas – all rated as outperformers, with Cobalt Iron in joint third with Veritas. Dell Technologies is the fourth supplier in the leaders’ ring and Druva the fifth.
The majority of vendors are in the Challengers’ ring and the ones closest to the leaders, in order, are Rubrik and Veeam, followed by Bacula, IBM, Unitrends, Clumio, HYCU and then Asigra and HPE (Zerto).
Acronis and Barracuda are the closest of the New Entrants to the Challenger Ring, an oddity as both have been around for some years, legacy vendor Arcserve farthest from the center.
The bulk of the suppliers are clustered together in the lower right section of the chart, between the platform play and innovation axis sections. Barracuda and Clumio are out in the feature play-innovation area, with Bacula, Unitrends, IBM, and Arcserve opposite them in the maturity-platform play area – they are all legacy vendors.
You can download the GigaOm report at no charge, courtesy of Cohesity. Cohesity has also been classed as a leader in the GigaOm Radar for Hybrid Cloud Data Protection: Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises.