Pure Storage has canned its ObjectEngine backup.
We learnt of this via the cancellation of an archived joint Pure and AWS webinar about ObjectEngine, originally run on May 29, 2019. The webinar provider, ActualTech Media, changed the promo on its website: “PURE ASKED US TO REMOVE THIS – product discontinued-How It Works: Pure Storage ObjectEngine and AWS.”

Ask not for whom the bells toll
The webinar blurb said: “The Pure Storage ObjectEngine platform combines on-premises flash with the AWS cloud to modernise data protection for data-centric enterprises.” During the webinar attendees could find out “how this solution might finally be the real death knell for tape.”
Presumptuous. The bells tolled for ObjectEngine instead. ObjectEngine is not listed on Pure’s product webpage.
We asked Pure if it had canned Object Engine. We were sent this statement:
“With the knowledge that backup is a favored use case for hybrid and private cloud deployments and enabling backup and restore is a key focus area for Pure, we continue to help our customers improve the efficiency of their data protection workflows and better connect them to the cloud.
“Today, we are working with select data protection partners, which we see as a more cohesive path to enhancing those solutions with native high performance and cloud-connected fast file and object storage to satisfy the needs in the market.”
That’s a “yes”, then.
Pure launched the ObjectEngine appliance in February last year. It used variable-length deduplication technology from StorReduce, a company that Pure acquired in August 2018.
The dedupe software runs on ObjectEngine//A hardware, with a FlashBlade as the underlying storage array, and in ObjectEngine//Cloud instances running in AWS.

Update: webinar date and status corrected; 3 July 2020.