A GigaOm analyst has positioned hybrid cloud data protection vendors in the market, with a radar screen diagram to indicate strengths and focus.
Fourteen vendors are covered in the GigaOm Radar for Hybrid Cloud Data Protection. They are Actifio, Acronis, Clumio, Cohesity, Commvault, Delphix, Druva, HYCU, IBM, Rubrik, StorageCraft, Veeam, Veritas and Zerto.

By our reckoning the GigaOm Radar shows Commvault is the strongest supplier. Also Rubrik is considered less mature than Cohesity but is transitioning from feature-lead supplier to more of a platform play. Acronis and Veeam are given slightly higher ratings than Rubrik as challengers moving to leaders’ status.
According to report author Enrico Signoretti, the “general market direction is trending towards additional services built on top of data protection. Data protection is becoming instrumental in collecting and consolidating data across the entire organisation (no matter where it is created or stored) with the goal of reusing it for other purposes.”
GigaOm Radar details
GigaOm’s Radar is a four-circle, four-axis, four-quadrant diagram. The circles form concentric rings and a supplier’s status – new entrant, challenger, or leader – is indicated by placement in a ring.
There is a progression, with new entrants growing to become challengers and then, if all goes well, leaders.
The inner white area is for mature and consolidated markets, with very few vendors remaining and offerings that are mature, comparable, and without much space for further innovation. This is not the case with data protection.
Signoretti does not take into account the market share of each vendor, in order to “give a clearer view of the potential of each vendor. It is a forward-looking market landscape representation that leaves more room for innovation and differentiation, instead of weighting established positions.”
There are four orthogonal axes, each with a progression from low (outer ring) to high (innermost ring);
- Maturity – the maturity and solidity of the product, user acceptance of the solution, and overall ecosystem sustainability,
- Horizontal platform play – products that can face a broader range of challenges, with a comprehensive feature set and an extensive ecosystem,
- Innovation – differentiation of the solution, innovative technical aspects, and overall vendor approach to the market,
- Feature play – focus of the solution in terms of single differentiating features and technical aspects of the product. It usually includes new vendors that are defining new product categories, niche players, and point solutions.
Slow, fast and out-performer arrows are placed on the diagram by each vendor, indicating their current position, direction and speed of progress. And, yes, out-performers are faster moving than fast movers.
Signoretti aims to provide readers a better understanding of a technology, to help them evaluate it, and explore the market to find the best products for their organisation. The Radar should be considered a companion piece to two other GigaOm reports: ‘Key Criteria to Evaluate Hybrid Cloud Data Protection’ and ‘Vendor Profiles for Key Criteria’.
We understand that Dell EMC’s Data Protection Suite may be added to a forthcoming edition of the Radar for Hybrid Cloud Data Protection report.
GigaOm’s radar screen is an alternative representation to Gartner’s classic four-box Magic Quadrant, Forrester’s Wave, IDC’s Marketscape, and Coldago’s Map, which are shown below, clockwise from the top left;

The radar screen seems to combine graphic elements of Forrester’s Wave and Gartner’s MQ. By having four axes it has more classification criteria by which to position vendors. These four axes form two pairs; innovation vs maturity and horizontal platform vs feature play.
Vendors have to be placed with reference to these, which is how they end up as points in the quadrants. You cannot have a vendor simultaneously rated high on maturity and innovation or on a horizontal play and a feature play in the GigaOm universe.