Cohesity hopes the latest version of Cohesity DataPlatform (CDP) will help to transform ransomware attacks from a devastating existential threat to a manageable nuisance.
The software update, v6.1.1, adds ransomware-resistant backups, detection of potential ransomware attacks, and faster restores.
In the event of a successful attack CDP eases the pain by restoring files and virtual machines, at any point in time and in their hundreds quickly, Cohesity claims.
Cohesity’s SpanFS filesystem keeps backups (snaps) in an immutable form. And CDP writes it to a separate file if changed data is applied to a backup.
Customer security settings can deny modify and delete access to backups. This enables the blocking of change requests – whatever the credentials of the applicant. Multi-factor authentication for identity verification is available.
Customers can use the Cohesity Helios service to monitor backup changes and data ingest rates on-premises and in the public cloud. Alerts are sent to IT support and to the Cohesity support team.
Helios also monitors general files and object data, watching access frequency and the number of files being modified, added or deleted by individual applications or users. This aids faster detection of a a ransomware attack.